Coal Fired Thermal Oil Boilers Manufacturer

The coal fired thermal oil boilers is assembled with square coil horizontal chain grate, and the chain grate and boiler body are separated from each other. The thermal oil boilers manufacturer adopts chain grate to realize mechanical coal feeding, equipped with drum and induced draft fan for mechanical ventilation, and equipped with slagging machine to realize mechanical slagging. Get QuotatRead More…

YYW Horizontal Gas Thermal Oil Boiler Supplier

YYW horizontal gas thermal oil boiler is used in chemistry, plastics, rubber, deodorization, fatty acid distillation, heating, hydrogenation reaction, esterification, hot pressing, calendering, industrial distillation, etc. Gas thermal oil heater is a high efficiency and energy saving heating equipment that transfers heat to the heating equipment. YYW horizontal gas thermal oil boiler heating tempRead More…

Biomass Water Tube Boilers For Sugar Refinery

Biomass water tube boilers operate in the opposite way to fire tube boilers, water is circulated in the boiler tubes and the tubes are surrounded by high temperature flue gas, which heats the who in the water tubes to produce steam or hot water. In recent years, starch sugar has been more and more widely used in the food industry as a new sweetener, starch sugar production process has a great dRead More…

Thermal Oil Heater is More Energy Saving than Steam Boiler?

Many enterprises in modern industry need heating equipment in production processes. Steam(water) is generally used as heat medium because the acquisition cost of water is low and water seldom causes environmental problems. Now, many enterprises choose thermal oil heaters. As heat medium, heated hot oil is transferred to pipelines, then to heat consuming equipment. After that, the heat medium oil cRead More…

6 Ton WNS Series Gas Steam Boiler

Project Boiler Medium:Steam Capacity: 6 tph Available Industries: Agricultural Industry Equipment: WNS6-1.25-Q Get Quotation 6 Ton WNS Series Gas Steam Boiler Introduction Jilin Deda Co., Ltd. was founded in 1989 as a joint venture between Jilin Songliao Poultry Joint Venture Company and Thailand Zhengda Group. After years of development, it has now formed a large-scale leadiRead More…

8Ton Coal Fired Steam Boiler For Sale

8ton coal fired steam boiler is finish installed in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is single drum boiler with chain grate, and used for brick drying in brick kiln. The customer has an old boiler, but it often burnout because of the long time operation, which leads to production loss. The customer decide to change the old boiler, and plan to buy a new one with larger steam capacity. Get QuotaRead More…

Industrial Boiler Quality and Safe Operation

Industrial Boiler is a kind of heating equipment with high pressure, which is widely used in different industries. To maker sure the safe operation, the boiler users have to pay attention to boiler’s quality, abide by the operation rules and maintain regularly. ZOZEN Boiler is the professional manufacturer on industrial boilers and pressure vessels, which has more than 30 years boiler experienceRead More…

Diesel Oil Fired Steam Boiler in Kazakhstan

WNS series diesel oil fired steam boiler used for sugar mill is shipped to Kazakhstan. This series boiler is the patent product of ZOZEN boiler, which is a safe heating equipment with full automatic control system. Diesel oil is often used for industrial boilers, as it has the advantages of low viscosity, higher thermal conductivity, and less impurity. Application of Diesel Oil Fired Steam BoiRead More…

3Ton WNS Gas-Fired Steam Boiler For Food Industry

Project boiler medium:Steam Capacity: 3 ton Available industries: Food Industry Equipment: WNS3-1.25-Q 3Ton WNS Gas-Fired Steam Boiler Introduction 3ton WNS gas-fired steam boiler for the food industry are very high-efficiency and energy-saving.Kunming Qidian Yongsheng Pickles Co., Ltd. was established in 1985. After more than 30 years of development, the “Qidian” brand fermenteRead More…

4Ton DZL Biomass Fired Fire Tube Boiler In Malaysia

Project boiler medium:Steam Capacity: 4ton Location: Malaysia Equipment: DZL4-1.25-M 4Ton DZL Biomass Fired Fire Tube Boiler Introduction Industrial steam boiler is often integral to the cooking, drying, and sterilizing process in food industry. Founded in 1996, Happy Alliance (M) Sdn Bhd has been one of the leading Nata De Coco manufacturers in Malaysia now. Nata de coco is a chewyRead More…